Small Ideas, Big Impact: The Path from Freelance to Entrepreneurship
Date: 23 July, 2023 | Venue: Ruposhi Bangla Grand Ballroom| Time: 02:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Mode of Session: Seminar
No. of Speakers: 10

The transition from freelance work to entrepreneurship holds immense potential for individuals seeking to scale their small ideas into bigger businesses. This conference will highlight the importance of turning small ideas into entrepreneurial ventures and how they can drive future growth.

Unlocking Potential:
Scaling Opportunities: Freelancers often work on a project-by-project basis, limiting their growth potential. By embracing entrepreneurship, small ideas can be transformed into scalable businesses. Entrepreneurs have the ability to expand their offerings, reach a broader customer base, and create sustainable revenue streams.

Innovation and Disruption:
Small ideas can spark innovation and disrupt existing markets. By taking the leap into entrepreneurship, individuals can develop unique solutions, challenge conventional practices, and meet emerging needs. This drives progress, fosters creativity, and paves the way for future growth.

Job Creation and Economic Impact:
Small ideas that evolve into successful businesses create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth. As entrepreneurs build their ventures, they hire employees, collaborate with suppliers, and contribute to the local economy. This multiplier effect fuels prosperity and fosters a thriving business ecosystem.

Propelling Future Growth:
Scalability and Expansion: Entrepreneurship offers the potential for exponential growth. Small ideas, when nurtured with the right strategies and resources, can expand into larger enterprises. Entrepreneurs can leverage technology, partnerships, and market trends to scale their businesses and enter new markets.

Innovation and Adaptability:
Entrepreneurial ventures thrive on innovation and adaptability. Small ideas can evolve through continuous learning, feedback, and market insights. Entrepreneurs have the freedom to experiment, pivot, and refine their ideas, ensuring their businesses stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly changing landscape.

Creating Value and Impact:
Entrepreneurship allows individuals to create value beyond their immediate work. By building bigger businesses, entrepreneurs can make a meaningful impact on society, address social or environmental challenges, and contribute to sustainable development. This purpose-driven approach attracts customers, investors, and talented individuals who align with the venture’s mission.

From freelance work to entrepreneurship, the journey of transforming small ideas into bigger businesses holds significant promise for future growth. By unlocking the potential, embracing innovation, and creating value, entrepreneurs can build scalable ventures that drive economic prosperity and contribute to a thriving business ecosystem. The transition from freelance to entrepreneurship is a transformative step towards realizing the full potential of small ideas and propelling growth in the years to come.

Speaker Details:

Name Designation Ministry/Organization Role
M. A. Mannan MP Honorable Minister Ministry of Planning Chief Guest
Saidur Mamun Khan  Manager, Lead Generation  Upwork Moderator
Faisal Mustafa CEO Viser X Ltd. key Note Speaker
Dr. Tanjiba Rahman Director BACCO, BFDS Panelist
Emrazina Islam Proprietor Emrazina Technologies Panelist
MD Ahsan Habib CEO & FOUNDER AREA71 Venture LTD Panelist
Minhazul Asif Founder, CEO & Lead Mentor Codemanbd Panelist
Mr. Nafiur Rahman Senior Business Development Manager Payoneer Panelist
Abdullah H. Kafi Advisor
BACCO Panelist
Sayma Shawkat Managing Director Ask telecom Ltd. Panelist


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